Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling , a.k.a. Dr. Jacquie Smiles, completed her DMD degree and orthodontic residency at Boston University School of Dental Medicine and then went on to assume a professorship at her alma mater becoming the first female Director of B.U. Dental School Orthodontic Department for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year dental students.
Dr. Fulop-Goodling has taught over 10,000 orthodontists, dentists, orthodontic residents, dental students and their teams in multiple areas of orthodontics throughout the world. She has lectured nationally and internationally from Hawaii to Japan. In March 2011, Dr. Jacquie had the great pleasure of lecturing at the Invisalign lab in Costa Rica where she spoke in front of a prestigious group of orthodontists who are recognized as the top Invisalign providers in the United States.
In September 2005, Dr. Fulop-Goodling, a.k.a. Dr. Jacquie Smiles, became Invisalign National Spokesperson for a hygiene campaign. In 2009, she became a Spokesperson for Invisalign Teen and aided launching it on the Tyra Bank s show in June.
Dr. Fulop-Goodling has several U.S. and International patents issued of which two are dentally related. After presenting a four-year double blind study on identical twins treated with conventional orthodontic versus Invisalign orthodontic treatment, Dr. Fulop-Goodling was asked to join Invisalign s National Speaker s Bureau, for which she is an active member and lectures at some of the nation s most renowned dental schools about Invisalign.
Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling is one of the top 10 Invisalign doctors worldwide and has treated close to 2000 Invisalign patients, including Teens. Her practice offers four state-of-the-art locations in New York that cater to children, teens and adults. Her offices in Manhattan, Long Island and Monroe are all equipped with state-of-the-art computer imaging systems and digital radiographic equipment.
More than 1.7 million people have chosen Invisalign in their quest for a healthy, appealing, and more confident smile.
1. We will Create a Custom Treatment Plan for You
First we will take impressions of your teeth. Based on their current position and their ideal end position, we wicreate a treatment plan that maps out the movement of your teeth with a series of Invisalign aligners.
2. Your Unique Set of Aligners Are Created
Using precision-computer mapping and design, a series of clear, removable aligners are custom-molded to fit your treatment plan. We will provide you with your aligners and precise instructions on how long each aligner is to be worn.
3. Wear Your Aligners to Guide Your Teeth into Place
Wear each set of aligners night and day for the prescribed time period, removing them only to eat, brush and floss. We will set regular check-ups to monitor your progress. While treatment duration varies, adult treatment typically takes a year, while for younger patients treatment is comparable to that of traditional braces.
Before you know it, you will see a straighter, healthier, and more confident smile in the mirror. To learn more about this exciting treatment at our practice, visit our website or give us a call and come in for a consultation!
one of the world s top 10 Invisalign providers, recently integrated the iOC Scanner into her state-of-the-art, full-service orthodontic and dental practice. This groundbreaking system employs laser technology to capture images of the teeth and soft tissue structures of the mouth, creating digitally perfect orthodontic impressions for a significantly improved patient experience, more accurate impressions, and enhanced treatment efficiency.
Dr Jackie has extended her practice in Manhattan on the West Side at
474 6 th Avenue New York, NY 10011