Are you looking for a top rated Invisalign Orthodontist in the Long Island area?
The dental offices of Dr. Jacquie Smiles are a one-stop clinic for you and your family for all of your orthodontics needs.
Expert cosmetic dentist Dr. Jacquie Smiles and her staff of invisalign specialists, hygienists, dentists, orthodontists and pediatric assistants have become one of the most popular and successful dental clinics in the Long Island, New York, and Nassau County areas. Dr. Jacquie’s office provides expert Invisalign and Orthodontics services in Woodbury!
Get your complimentary orthodontics appointment on Long Island, NY today by filling out our contact form or call us [drj_phone location=”woodbury”].
Contact Us for an Invisalign Consultation Today — [drj_phone location=”woodbury”]
Invisalign Clear Braces in Long Island, New York

These invisible, removable and comfortable aligners have made braces a thing of the past. With Invisalign, eating, drinking, brushing and flossing are no longer stressful and painful. Each set of Aligners is used for approximately 2 weeks, moving your teeth about 0.25 millimeters. After 2 weeks, it is time for the next set of aligners. Week by week, your teeth move to the final position for that million dollar smile.
Dr. Jacquie Smiles in Woodbury is an Invisalign Elite Premier Provider. She has been recognized as a top provider every year since 2003. In September 2005, Dr. Jacquie Smiles became Align Technology’s National Spokesperson for a hygiene campaign. In 2009, she became a Spokesperson for Invisalign Teen treatment which was featured on the Tyra Banks show in June.
Invisalign is a great product with a proven clinical record. However, your treatment is only as good as the dentist who provides it. For the best results, you need an expert in Invisalign orthodontistry techniques. Dr. Jacquie Smiles in Woodbury is a top Invisalign expert in Long Island — why go anywhere else!
Your First Orthodontist Visit to Our Woodbury, Long Island Offices
At your first visit to our Long Island dental office, you will have images of your teeth done by 3D computer imaging technology. This assures that the dental treatment plan Dr. Jacquie and her staff create for you is customized to you, your mouth, and your teeth.
Using this amazing 3D dental technology, you actually see a virtual picture of what you will look like when you are finished. Dr. Jacquie and staff will determine at each visit which teeth will be moved at which time. This individual treatment ensures the maximum improvement for you, with as little mouth pain as possible.
Expert TMD Orthodontistry in Long Island
Our Woodbury dental specialists at Dr. Jacquie Smiles are not only here help you to create a beautiful smile. We are also qualified to do extremely fine work on your jaw, a vital step in the fight against TMD troubles (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders).
At Dr. Jacquie Smiles Woodbury dental clinic, we are committed to not only your cosmetic dental improvements, but also your personal health and care in the fight against TMD. Whether the cause is stress or grinding your teeth, or a physical problem, such as premature arthritis or a necessary correction of the jaw, the orthodontic work and counselling Dr. Jacquie’s team of experts offers can help.
Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling: Expert Invisalign and Orthodontics Dentist in Long Island
From pediatric to adolescent and adult orthodontics, Dr. Fulop-Goodling has been named one of the Top 10 specialists of all Orthodontists in Long Island for Invisalign. Not only a successful Orthodontist, she has also assumed a professorship at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine, and became Director of the Pre Doctoral Orthodontic Department. She is often invited to give lectures nationally and internationally.
Get up your complimentary orthodontics appointment at our convenient Woodbury, Long Island location in Suffolk County by calling us at [drj_phone location=”woodbury”] or by filling out our convenient contact form to receive more information.
Contact Us for an Invisalign Consultation Today — [drj_phone location=”woodbury”]